From honor’s class to tarot teaching, follow Cutter’s journey

One of Life’s Little Pleasures I think you should know about, too.


Your future teacher, Cutter Videan.

As his final elective in the Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University, my son Cutter took a fascinating tarot class. My first reaction was… Wuh? Really?

But, in that class, he learned about the rich heritage of tarot: its history, theology, art, and mysticism. We all gained an appreciation for the rich insights the process can bring into life, not just through readings, but through discussion, creativity, and openness to ideas.

His love of the class led him to start doing free readings for friends and acquaintances. (Ask him, and he’ll do a free reading for you, anytime.)

This led to the recent launch of Second Sight Academy, his business, designed to educate others about the teachings of tarot, and to share with like-minded folk its fascinating background and potential.

Cutter now holds tarot discussion groups in a central-Phoenix coffee café, and launches his first round of tarot classes this week. I’d love it if you came along on his journey of exploration.

If you would like to be in on his gatherings simply to discuss the topic, check this out.

If you’d like to take his six-week class on a weekdayexpress your interest on this Facebook event page.

For a six-week class held on a weekend, you can learn more and sign up on his Facebook event page.1550705190775.png

For more information about Cutter’s creative endeavors, from music to blogging, visit his Cutter Videan Industries website.


Write on!
Ann Narcisian Videan
Write • Edit • Self-publish • Word-of-mouth

P.S. Learn more about my novels on my Amazon Author Central page.

“Crescent Kingdom” video world debut on #FirstDraftSeries


“Crescent Kingdom.” The title is cool. The lyrics are heartfelt. The music is fresh and unusual, with hints of the post-rock genre. Plus, the performance is in my home, and my son wrote and performed it all.

This is the first performance of Cutter Videan’s original composition, as videotaped by Natasia Hanratty in her #FirstDraftSeries. You’ll find Cutter’s band, The Darling Sounds featured there, too.

Listen to more of Cutter’s music on Bandcamp.

I have so many talented family members and friends I like to brag about. You must, too. Tell us about them… 🙂

Cryptid, heartfelt music debuts from The Darling Sounds

The Darling Sounds "Haunt"

The Darling Sounds’ “Haunt” debuts Nov. 11, 2016.
The content may deal with creatures of dubious existence,
but the band’s video gets real with a sense of humor about it.


Tomorrow is the day! The Darling Sounds release their album “Haunt,” an indie pop rock collection of nine songs, on Bandcamp and Spotify. Woot!

Grace, Zach, and Cutter put their hearts and souls into these casually spooky, yet playful, tunes. Each track investigates cryptids—yeah, I had to look it up, too: aliens, werewolves, The Invisible Man, and lots of ghosts.

Don’t be scared, you’re gonna love it… not to mention these liner notes!

Liner notes may also give you a giggle.



Sleep to dream… Listen to my son’s dreams.

Five-song demo release, week of Feb. 10–15. © 2014 Cutter Videan

Five-song demo release, week of Feb. 10–15.
© 2014 Cutter Videan

I like to support young creatives, especially when it involves music… and, even more so, when it’s my son’s compositions.

Check out Cutter Videan’s five-song demo releasing this week, one song per day, on tumblr and bandcamp.

The first 200 downloads are free!